Consultant Adult Cardiac Critical Care

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Job Description


  • Provide patient care at Consultant level in Cardiac Intensive Care Units, Cardiac Operating Rooms. and Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory as required and according to their certification/s.
  • Participate in the on. call duties.
  • When required, give advice on manpower, equipment and administrative issues.
  • Take active part in the teachinp, and training of fellows, residents and other staff rotating in Cardiac Critical Care, Cardiac. Anesthesia and other related cardiac disciplines.
  • Participate and support the research activities within the Division and Department.
  • Partic; pate in the Qua:ity Improvement activities of the Division and ensure compliance with the high standards of patient care Participate in the departmental and hospital Ql activities if asked.
  • Adhere to the departmental and hospital poiicies and procedures.
  • Serve en the departmental and hospital committees and task groups when called upon.
Job Requirements: 
  • Education:
  1. ​A graduate or Bachelor’s degree from a recognized medical school (E).
  2. A higher profess onal degree indicating sufficient knowledge of Crit-cal Care and Anesthesia or other relevant basic specialty, as recognized by the hospital credentialing committee awarded after an examination
  3. Registered member of the Saudi Commission for tlealth Specialties (E).
  4. Completion of any of the following;

a. Cardiac Surgery Residency includitg 1 year in ICU Caroiac Critical Care Fellowship (F.), O. Anesthesia Residency 4- Cardiac Anesthesia Fellowship s Cardiac. Critical Care
Eel (F).
b. Internal Medicine Residency ICU Fe:lowship Cardiac Critical Care Fellowship (F) c. General Surgery t- Faowship .1 Cardiac Critical Care Fellowship (F).
d. ICU Residency 4 Cardiac Critical Care Fellowship (E).

  • Experience:

A minimum of one (1) year work experience in Tertiary Cardiac Surgical Critical Care.
Others: Experence and demonstrate interest in teaching, research, quality management and administration (P),

Job Benefits: 
  • Salary Paid tax free
  • Incentives
  • End of contract bonus
  • Severance Pay
  • Free furnished accommodation with free recreation, sports and cultural facilities
  • Free transportation service
  • Up to 7.5 weeks paid annual leave per contract year
  • Up to 2 return airline tickets per contract year (including agreed dependents)
  • Free medical care & emergency dental care (including agreed dependents)
  • Educational Allowance per child (Maximum of 3 children, 4-18 years)
  • Study Leave of 10 working days per contract year and CPD courses

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